

英漢字典: set out

1. leave on a journey or voyage 啟程或啟航

    The Pilgrims set out for the New World. 英國清教徒們啟航駛向“新大陸”。

    He will set out tomorrow on his journey to Beijing. 他明天動身去北京。

2. attempt 試圖

    George set out to improve his pitch ing. 喬治試圖提高他的投球技術。

    He set out to do a lot of things,but didn't succeed. 他原打算做許多事,但都未成功。

3. plant in the ground 種植

    The gardener set out some tomato seedlings. 這位園丁種植了些西紅柿苗。

4. display 陳列;布置

    The goods are set out in the shop window. 商品陳列在商店的櫥窗裡。

    It took them an hour to set out the room ready for the reception. 他們花了一小時把房間布置好,準備開招待會。

5. start to do sth. 開始;著手

    They set out to perform the opera tion. 他們開始動手術。

    They are setting out on a new ex periment. 他們正著手進行一項新的試驗。

6. state;describe;define 陳述;敘述;說明

    He set out his ideas in simple Eng lish. 他用簡單的英文表達了他的想法。

    He carefully set out all the facts. 他仔細陳述了全部事實。

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